Thursday, January 31, 2008

Another Week, Another Winter Storm

As another week is coming quicky to a close. Last week at this time, we were having sub-zero cold, which we suffered through for much of the week. Today, the snow came started around 9Am off and on. They are stating we'll have 3-10 inches in the Chicagoland area depending on where in the area one is. Coming hoime from work, my train was only delayed about 15 minutes or so, but Kevin who drives about 30 miles or so left work at 5:05 and didn't get home until 7:40. He said the roads were terrible and unplowed, although the snow started much earlier than they planned, you would have thought they could clear the roads within all that time. At this pace, Kevin will be leaving home about 6 tomorrow in hopes of getting to work by 8. That leaves me having to walk to the train. Could be pretty interesting since it is usually only a 10 minute walk, but who knows how the roads will be. Forget the sidewalks; I know those will be impossible.

Last week's adoption meeting was cancelled, because the speaker was sick. With the weather way below zero, I'm sure there would not have been much of a turn out anyway. Hopefully, they will reschedule it soon, but they may just schedule it for our April meeting instead. We got our weekly update. More explanation about the advisory issued by the U.S. Embassy. In conversations they have had with the DIA, they were told that dossiers will continue to be given referrals that were submitted before the MOU expired. Our agency staff in Vietnam is currently on vacation until February 12th. It seems like the 12th is a far ways off, but actually it is only a little over a week away. They do expect several referrals after the Lunar New Year and are actually waiting on medical and other reports on several referrals that have been matched to our agency.

It has been a long, busy week and I'm looking forward to not doing much of anything this weekend. The only plans I specifically have is the women's ministry is meeting at Panera Saturday morning. We also started a Crown Financial bible study and although I have been working the past week and a half on the book we have to read there are some other things that we need to do before Tuesday night when we all get together again.


Anonymous said...

Yep, I am starting to hate the snow. We have had just way too much this year! Hubby's drive was only 2 hours and he drives from O'hare to Racine (left early 2:30pm and avoided most of the traffic I guess).

Are you going to the Tet celebration in Chicago? We are thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

BTW, on WGN they are now stating 8-14 inches now....yuck

Carissa said...

I hate this weather!

Anonymous said...

I think we ended up with a little over a foot - yikes!

Anonymous said...

I know I say it all the time, but I really don't know how people live in that kind of cold!!!! I'd NEVER leave my house, which would make me crazy! I hope the snow slows down for you guys.

Jake and Taryn said...

Brrr! I am cold just reading about how cold it is there!! Thanks for stopping by our blog!! :)