Saturday, December 30, 2006

A to Z

I've seen this on several blogs so I thought I would join in. This was an indirect tag. I encourage anyone else who wants to participate to consider yourself tagged also!

A is for age: Just turned 38 last month!

B is for beer: I usually don't drink the stuff, maybe a sip or two when my husband has one.

C is for career: I am a litigation paralegal.

D is for my dog’s name: We don't have one now, but when I was still at home, the last dog was named Brandi. We want one, but a baby comes 1st.

E is for essential item used everyday: Well other than the expected deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste. Definitely coffee! Unfortunately I am a Starbucks fan: a Grande Skim Vanilla Latte with no foam, please!

F is for favorite color: I like most of them, definitely not green though.

G is for game: Haven't played in a while, but I like Trivial Pursuit: The 80's version.

H is for hometown: My hometown is Western Springs, IL.

I is for instruments I (used to) play viola when I was in 5th grade.

J is for favorite juice: I love apple juice, especially heated up on a cold night.

K is for who’s butt I’d like to kick: No one I can think of.

L is for last place I ate: Other than when we had lunch in the kitchen, the last restaurant was Ne China Buffet, the other night.

M is for marriage: Married 3 years as of last September 27th. Where's the time go.

N is for my name: I was named after my grandmother; different spelling though.

O is for overnight hospital stays: Well, I mentioned my viral encephalitis at 13; I was hospitalized then for almost a month, a week. Also, I had 2 eye surgeries when I was a toddler.

P is for people I was with today: My husband is really the only one today. I did go to the bank, but I don't count the bank teller.

Q is for quote: "Morning just starts way too early." I say or think this when I get up for work at 5:15. Luckily, I am on vacation since last week and don't go back until Tuesday. I'll bet you I'll definitely be saying/thinking this then.

R is for biggest regret: Not sure if I have any.

S is for sport: to watch: Definitely not a big sports fan, but I really get into the college hoops' March Madness tournament. I'm not very athletic, but I use to play volleyball all the time; not that I was any good!

T is for traveled to: California, Florida, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana, Michigan, Virginia, Alabama, Louisiana, Nevada, Missouri and I thnk that is it, unless you count the states we drove through to get to some of these places. Within 2 years and hopefully a lot less time, I can add Vietnam to the places I have been.

U is for current underwear: Yes, I'm wearing some and I hope you are too; just don't tell us if you aren't!

V is for vegetable: Raw, I like green peppers, cucumbers, radishes, carrots, and lenses. Cooked, I like corn and green beans. Tomatoes are actually a fruit.

W is for wish: To bring our son home as soon as possibl; also to win lots of money would be nice!!

X is for x-rays I have had my wrist x-rayed and when I was in the hospital, I had a CT scan and/or an MRI.

Y is for youthful ambition not fulfilled: Not sure!

Z is for zodiac: Western: Scorpio. Chinese: monkey.

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