Friday, April 18, 2008

Has Spring Really Sprung For Good?

It sure has felt like spring with highs in the 60s and maybe in the 70s the past few days. The grass is starting to turn green and some plants have even started growing. After a cold and very snowy winter, we are definitely ready, here in NE Illinois for the weather to warm and for spring to be here to stay.

There has still been no news by USCIS about the new DNA policy for the biological parents of relinquished children. After over 2 weeks, one would think they would make some official announcement. Also, rumors have been rampant about the future of adoption. Many are saying the future looks dim and there's uncertainty about whether there may be a deadline of June 1st; the question is that is that for a referral to be given or for a dossier to be in the country? Our agency has been very good about providing us information, but nothing has been said about the new rumours that have just materialized this week about June 1st. Until I hear something from our agency, I really am not going to worry much about it.

Things have been pretty quiet lately; at least in blogsville. People are just not blogging as much as usual, me included. A lot of the Yahoo groups and message boards discussing Vietnam adoption have been pretty quiet, also. A lot of my blogging buddies and those from the Yahoo groups are taking a little hiatus. I have pretty much unsubscribed at least temporarily from getting any mail from several of the Yahoo groups, except for ones from our agency and local FCV (Families with Children from Vietnam) group and these groups have been quieter than usual or even totally silent.

Last Friday, our agency reported 2 referrals: a 13 month old girl and a 8 1/2 year old boy. Also, another family received I-600 approval and ended up traveling this week with 4 other families to Vietnam, where they were united with their children. One family included one of the Vietnam adoption consultants at our agency, also you can follow Katherine and Drew's blog of their journey to pick up their daughter, Tori. There were no referrals this week though at our agency.

Upon reading this week's agency update, I realize they did mention the June 1st rumour. They are saying that it is merely a rumour and they feel people are confusing referrals with the acceptance of dossiers and that there has not been any statements made by either of the governments. A couple of my blogging buddies have found out their dossier was logged in by Vietnam on April 8th after having been sent and then translated. Their dossier was sent over to Vietnam a little less than a week and a half before ours was, so hopefully we will hear something soon that our was logged in hopefully this past week.

Thanks to everyone who has been praying for us; please continue to do so and also for the future of Vietnam adoptions continuing, as well as for a speed up in the process. Things have been really slowing down, especially in relation to adoptions between Vietnam and the United States, compared to other foreign countries, who work with Vietnam. This post is much longer than I expected; I really haven't written this much in a while.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update and I hope that spring really has sprung!

Jessica and Eddie said...

Hopefully you will get the news this week that your dossier has been logged in. I am sure it's not that far behind.

Becky and Keith said...

Hey there - I just read the update on Vietnam adoptions and I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you! I'm not sure I understand the ramifications 100% but, as with Russian adoption, news like this is devastating. I'll be praying for good news for you soon and hoping that things change for the better very quickly.

Jenn said...

k-- what will all the vietnam news mean for you?
you are in my thoughts

Laura said...

Hi Kathryn, I've been thinking of you lately and just wanted to let you know. How are you doing? If you need an ear, I'm here

Ann said...

Thanks for the note, the only good news is, if our dossier is returned, clients will keep the place in line, and go back into Vitnam when and if it reopens in the same spot, so starting another country...say most are a two yr wait, it may be the same as starting over. who knows...just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that I have been thinking of you lately. I keep checking your blog for news and just wanted see how you are doing. I know the last couple of weeks have been hard, and if you ever need to talk to someone who knows what you are going through, I am here =)