Saturday, June 6, 2009

This week there was a referral of 7 week old twin girls. The lucky family waited a record-breaking 15 months. The wait for siblings is the longest of the waits. I think the wait for a baby girl is about 11-12 months and for a baby boy about 10-11 months. There were also 2 families who accepted referrals of waiting children, a boy age 5 and a 7 year-old girl. So we should have moved down three more places on the list and be about #94.


Christy. said...

Thanks for keeping tabs on the list. I just take your number and subtract one! :0)

Amber said...

Thats such great news hopefully you will get your miracle soon! We are also in the process of adopting but are doing domestic I have another blog if you want to follow along